Legislative Agenda

Magna Carta of Children

Positive Parenting Bill

Civil Registration Bill

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Bill
- Promoting justice for children affected by the bloody anti-illegal drugs campaign
- Right of children to a healthy environment and against climate change
- Tobacco-Free Generation
- Removing discrimination and distinction against illegitimate children
- Protecting children from unhealthy food marketing
- Protection of stateless, internally-displaced, and refugee children
- Road safety for children
- Promoting safe digital citizenship for children
- SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics) Equality Bill
- K-12 curriculum review
- Opposition to Mandatory ROTC for children
- BARMM Children’s Code
- Amendatory bills for children (Children in Emergencies, Administrative Naturalization Act, Anti-Rape Act, and Mental Health Act)
- Budget tagging for children’s programs

Job Announcement: Child Rights Network Coordinator Position Title: Child Rights Network Coordinator Location: Mostly House of Representatives, Senate, other cities Timeframe: 17 months, subject to midterm review and evaluation Date covered: February 2023 to…

Child Rights Network: End cycle of sexual abuse in PHSA, other educational institutions For years, reports on sexual abuse, harassment, and other forms of violence committed against students –…